People are switching from WhatsApp to Signal App on a massive scale. This is due to WhatsApp's new privacy rules. The fact that the privacy policies of the Signal app are more secure has prompted people to turn to this app. People like Ellen Musk, the boss of Tesla and the world's richest man, started using the signal app, prompting many people to turn to the signal.
People switch to the Signal app because it's the most secure in terms of privacy, but not just in terms of signal privacy. The Signal app has many features. Signal's features are compatible with any messaging app, including WhatsApp. Let us examine five interesting features of the Signal app.
The signal app comes with a screen lock setting. This way no one will be able to read your chats even if the phone is unlocked. There will be a special PIN and biometric lock to open the signal app. To set the screen lock on this signal, select the Settings-> Privacy-> Screen Lock option.
Once you start using the signal, you will be notified later if someone contacts your signal. If you have a lot of contacts these notifications keep coming up from time to time. Notifications can be turned off in such cases. You can simply turn off these notifications on the signal.
For people who are concerned about privacy, Signal has an interesting option if you do not want to send someone's photos without their consent. This is helped by the option of Blur Face Photo. This will automatically edit the photos and blur the face. You can also swipe extra parts of the blurred photo with this option. This is possible by tapping the + sign and tapping on the image you want to send.
The Dispersing Messages feature is one of the new features made available to WhatsApp users. This feature is also available on the signal. This feature is already present in the signal. As the name suggests, it's a system that automatically deletes messages after a certain period of time. Conversations are private. To send Disappointing messages on the signal, simply click on the contact name and select the Disappearing Messages option. You can choose how long it takes for messages to disintegrate. Once you see the photos and videos, you will get the option to delete them automatically.