South Korean tech giant Samsung has announced lower prices for the Galaxy A71 and Galaxy A51 in the Indian market. Both the phones are priced at Rs 2,000. Earlier, the Samsung Galaxy A71 was priced at Rs 29,499. Under the new rates, you can get it for Rs 27,499. The Galaxy A51 was priced at Rs 20,499, down from Rs 22,499. The new rates have been displayed on Amazon website and Samsung India website.
The Galaxy A71 has a 6.70-inch S AMOLED display with a resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels. The Galaxy A71 features 128GB of storage with 8GB of RAM, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 processor, 64MP + 5MP + 5MP rear camera, 32MP selfie camera and 4500mAh battery.
The Galaxy A51 features an Exynos 9611 processor, a 6.5-inch full HD display with 1080 x 2400 pixel resolution, up to 8GB of RAM, storage up to 128GB, a 48MP + 12MP + 5MP rear camera, a 32MP selfie camera and a 4000mAh battery. Available in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush White, Hayes Crush Silver and Prism Crush Blue.