There have been reports in recent days that the Signal app has become hugely popular due to its WhatsApp privacy policy. Now the Telegram has also revealed that they have been able to make huge gains. Telegram reports that it has gained 25 million new users globally in the last 72 hours. Telegram also announced in the first week of January that it had gained 500 million active users per month globally. In the last 72 hours alone, 25 million new users have joined the platform. According to Telegram, 38 per cent of the 25 million new users of the app are from Asia and 27 per cent from Europe.
21% of new users are from Latin America. 8% of users are from the Mena area. Signal App has also gained ground amid controversy over WhatsApp privacy policy. Powell Durov, CEO and founder of Telegram, congratulated the new users joining the Telegram platform. He recently revealed that Telegram will add 15 million new users per day by 2020. The current surge in app downloads is a testament to Telegram's credibility. The telegram, which protects user privacy, has received a good response from users throughout its 7-year history. This time the situation is more appropriate. Telegram is a platform that does not compromise on privacy data while providing free services. There was a perception that tech monopolies could exploit people and do anything. "This will not happen again," he said. Apps began to overtake WhatsApp in the field of messaging apps after WhatsApp announced it would share data with Facebook to improve services. Telegram now has half a billion active users. The company is growing. Telegram is the best option for those who want a communication platform that emphasizes privacy and security. Telegram promises to take users' trust very seriously and never disappoint users. Telegram's strict policy on privacy and user data has already been understood on several occasions. Telegram is an app that has been downloaded over 500 million times in the Google Play Store. Telegram ranks second in overall downloads in the category of social media apps in the Apple App Store. Signal has become the most downloaded free app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Telegram has also made gains during this period.